grants and investments

Grants: Õiglase Ülemineku Fond

Grants from the Õiglase Ülemineku fond for the development of Ida-Virumaa create a favourable environment for investment.

We can help you get the answers you need to apply for and apply for grants.

Support regional development

Investing in the Sompa Industrial Park

It is possible to acquire or rent property according to your wishes.
The industrial estate is structured in such a way as to allow investors to benefit not only from the infrastructure but also from the services offered by the industrial estate (including the creation of its own heavy machinery capacity).

Rent or own?

We will find a solution

Contact our team and we’ll find the right solution for you.

Creative solutions

Sompa Industrial Park

The development of the Sompa Industrial Park is primarily aimed at companies and institutions that develop and apply modern recycling and waste management technologies and new materials technologies, but companies from other sectors are also welcome.

Ida-Virumaa is a historic industrial region. It is the second largest county in Estonia, and its favourable economic location on the Baltic Sea, combined with a skilled workforce and infrastructure, makes it an attractive investment location.

Skilled workforce

Historic industrial area

Environmental focus
